Partners practice presence and skillful relating via T-group
Service Description
It's normal for partners to experience friction and feel stuck in unhealthy patterns. "Partners" can include co-founders, colleagues such as a general counsel & CEO, or romantic/life partners. Common challenges in partnerships include: • Difficulty with expressing and offering radically honest feedback • Difficulty receiving feedback; defensiveness • Obstacles to accessing humor, levity, playfulness • An absence with ease and flow--and therefore speed--with collaboration • Absorbing or shifting blame in ways that compromise connection When our relationships are missing an exchange and range of candid expression, they deteriorate because energy is stuck. When humor, ease, and flow are missing, collaboration suffers. What could be a golden resource that fuels quality of life--at work or at home--tarnishes. Luckily, Tfor2 can help! Using T-Group as a communication modality, I facilitate a guided practice so you can quickly identify and exit these patterns, in favor of relating more effectively. This tool invariably supports you both at work and at home, as it facilitates masterful relating skills. Tfor2 tracks moment to moment impact. It is meditation in relationship. The likely outcome is a relationship that can not only tolerate--but be strengthened by--radical candor. Obstacles to closeness can dissolve and/or truths can be expressed, received, and metabolized swiftly. Because Tfor2 is a *practice*, there is a recommended minimum of 5 x 2 hour sessions to participate, scheduled weekly (ideally) so there is momentum. Tfor2 is NOT a panacea or a guarantee that your relationship will survive and thrive. It IS a panacea for partners who want to INVEST in their relationship to see if it can. When the stakes are high, Tfor2 provides a compliment or alternative to HR solutions, mediation, or couples therapy. As a tool for more effective, authentic, and succinct communication, you will excavate and channel truths much faster than standard ways of relating. Think of Tfor2 as a bootcamp for partner communication--one that doesn't have space to loop in the same narratives that keep you stuck--because you are too busy being Present with each other as novel, dynamic human beings. Logistics: sessions via Zoom; each participant needs their own device (vs sharing a computer). Corporate rate and self sponsored rates differ, please inquire by emailing
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please do so with at least 24 hours advanced notice.
Contact Details
+ 4152695302